• Knee Injury Rehabilitation Guide

    The current thoughts on ACL rehabilitation are based on the so-called accelerated programme, first used in the early nineties by American surgeon Donald Shelbourne. Shelbourne and his colleagues astutely noticed that those patients who did not adhere to the ‘softly softly’ program used then, actually got better more quickly than those who did and, furthermore, … Read more

    Patella Tendinopathy and Treatment

    Rest, Surgery or a Combination – What Cures Patella Tendon Problems? Dr Richard Steadman is the Colorado-based knee specialist who successfully treated Alan Shearer and Ronaldo when they were suffering from problems with their patella tendon. The American orthopaedic specialist has built a brilliant reputation by helping these high profile stars return from a condition … Read more

    Factors Affecting ACL Injury

    Dr Donald Shelbourne pioneered the contralateral ACL reconstruction for torn anterior cruciate ligaments (using the Patella tendon of the ‘good’ knee as the ACL graft) and developed the accelerated ACL reconstruction rehabilitation protocol. Here he outlines the most recent data regarding ACL injuries to either knee (the ‘good’ and operated knees) after ACL reconstruction and … Read more

    Jumpers Knee Rehabilitation

    An eccentric contraction is defined as a contraction where the muscle is lengthening, as opposed to a concentric contraction where the muscle is shortening, or an isometric contraction where there is no change in the muscle length. There is nothing magical about eccentric muscle strengthening in the role of alleviating tendon problems. The key is … Read more

    Understanding Knee Injuries: Advice from Accredited Physios

    The knee is a strong and stable joint that is surrounded by powerful muscles. Occasionally the knee can become injured due to repeatedly overloading the joint, or by experiencing a sudden impact or fall. Often these injuries are minor and follow the natural healing process. These injuries can be managed using the principles of POLICE, … Read more

    Patella Tendinopathy: What cures patella tendon problems?

    Rest, surgery or a combination – what cures patella tendon problems? Dr Richard Steadman is the Colorado based knee specialist who successfully treated Alan Shearer and Ronaldo, when they were suffering from problems with their patella tendon. The American orthopaedic specialist has built a brilliant reputation by helping these high profile stars return from a … Read more